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City Council Notice of Decision for North Clackamas Park Development Plan

On August 16, 2005 the City Council approved a pair of applications that will dramatically upgrade the sports facilities at North Clackamas Park. 

The Planning Commission had approved a site plan for the park on July 12th, but some surrounding neighbors had some concerns with the adopted plan. Staff from Clackamas County and the North Clackamas Park District met with the neighbors and together crafted a new plan that was presented to Milwaukie's City Council. The pair of applications adopted by Council amend the plan approved by the Planning Commission plan and reflect a plan that is supported by the area's sports groups and neighbors. 

The modifications include the following: 

1. Creation of shared soccer and ball field. The revised plan demonstrates a flex baseball/soccer field by reducing the size of the soccer field and relocating it to ball field #4. Due to the decrease in size of the soccer field, use of the soccer field will be limited to youth 8 years of age and younger. The relocation of the soccer field will create a larger open area on the west side of the park and will provide a buffer between the park and residential areas. 

2. Reduced parking area. The 230-space parking area will be reduced to 196 spaces. The Planning Commission approved a parking ratio of 43 spaces per field. With the creation of the flex baseball/soccer field, only 4 fields can be used at the same time, which supports the reduction in parking spaces. The reduced parking aids with traffic concerns. The amount of impervious surface in the park will also be reduced, resulting in less stormwater run-off. 

3. Creation of an entry pavilion and information center. The reduction in parking spaces allows for the creation of a covered entry pavilion and information center, which will give the park a greater focus on community and park events. 

4. Modification to the layout of walking paths. The trail along the western portion of the site will be modified and will circle around the ball fields.

5. A tot-lot play area will be constructed in the western portion of the park near the knoll. 

6. The plan has been revised to eliminate stormwater detention in the parking lot. Detention will be provided in a swale adjacent to the parking area. 

7. The access drive to the horse arena will be widened to accommodate vehicle and horse trailer parking. Click here to read the Notice of Decision for the August 16, 2005 City Council meeting.

NCP Notice of Decision


Last updated: 08/19/05

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