Milwaukie Crime Statistics - 2008

The City of Milwaukie is dedicated to providing it citizens and businesses with the highest level of service and information.  Part of that information exchange is monthly crime reporting.  Our crime analysis staff have assembled a chart of the types and locations of crimes reported during the month and presented them below.  Crime statistics can be misleading as they only represent reported crime. In some areas residents do not report crime and in others, almost all crime is reported. Reporting also varies greatly by type of crime; while most violent crime is reported, minor property crimes are often not reported.

In general, crime is a deviant act that violates a law. Those laws can be federal, state, and/or local laws. If a crime has been committed and has been reported to the police, a criminal police report is taken. In Oregon, a law that carries potential incarceration is defined as a "crime". Those crimes are further divided into "felonies" that may have a penalty of more than a year in prison, while "misdemeanors" have a maximum jail term of less than a full year.

Part I, II and III Crimes

Crimes are separated into two categories within the Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR). 

Part I crimes are homicide, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, larceny, motor vehicle theft, and arson. The first four are the violent or Person Crimes and the others are Property Crimes. 
Part II crimes include but are not limited to such crimes as misdemeanor assault, vandalism, prostitution, child abuse, criminal trespass, embezzlement, forgery, and drug offenses. 
Part III crimes include less serious crimes such as traffic or fish and game violations.

Crime Tracked by Neighborhood

Milwaukie tracks crime by neighborhoods.  Currently we have seven neighborhoods.  Crime management and planning is done at the neighborhood level by both Neighborhood District Associations (NDAs) and police staff.  Through this cooperative approach the vision, evaluation and planning efforts are kept at the local level allowing better coordination of police resources.

Here are the 2008 monthly crime statistics.  (Burglary, Theft and Stolen Vehicles are the only crimes included in these maps.)  Please call or e-mail with any crime reporting questions at (503)786-7406.

Last updated: 03/24/2009

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