Planning Department Overview

The Department’s primary functions are outlined below:

  • Assists the City Council, Planning Commission, Design and Landmarks Committee, neighborhoods, and community develop and implement comprehensive planning policies for transportation, environmental resources, economic development, neighborhood preservation, housing, and other areas of public concern. 

  • Provides professional planning services in support of the City Council, Planning Commission, Design and Landmarks Committee, and neighborhoods 

  • Implements the Zoning, Land Division, and Sign Ordinances in issuing permits, land use reviews, and code enforcement actions. 

  • Provides information services to citizens, neighborhood associations, the development and business communities, and government partners. 

  • Listens for change within the region and community to help the city manage the opportunities and challenges change brings. 

  • Monitors state and regional laws and informs city staff and policy makers.

Planning Department Services

Planner-on-Duty & Public Information 

Planning staff are available by phone (503-786-7630) or in-person at the service counter located at Community Development offices (6101Johnson Creek Boulevard.) Department staff rotates daily to fill the Planner-on-Duty function, which is to provide public information, respond to citizen requests, and assist the community and private sector with departmental business. Staff resources are limited so call the Community Development receptionist at 503-786-7600 in advance of making an office visit to ensure a Planner will be available to provide counter service. 

Pre-application Conference 

Planning, Engineering, Building, and Fire District staff attend pre-application conferences upon requested by persons wanting to improve their properties to facilitate the application process, problem-solve code requirements, and advise on city policy and regulations. For further information about scheduling a pre-application conference, contact the Community Development receptionist at 503-786-7600. Not all projects require a pre-application conference, contact Planning staff at 503-786-7630 for further information. 

Permit Review 

Planning staff review all applications for building and sign permits and development applications to ensure consistency with city codes. Staff may be contacted for reviews prior to formal submission to facilitate the permit process. 

Development & Land Use Application Review 

Before any land division or development project is decided , it is first reviewed by staff to ensure consistency with city policy and codes. This work can be highly technical, and require coordination with many other departments. 

Support to City Boards 

The Planning Department supports the City Council, Planning Commission, and the Design and Landmarks Committee. This includes advising on applicable policy and codes, conducting research into issues of public interest, and implementing Comprehensive Plan and related ordinances. 

Support to Neighborhood District Associations (NDA) 

The Department has frequent communications with NDA Chairs and NDA Land Use Committees as part of the permit and land use review process. NDA's provide important feedback on issues facing the community, thereby informing the Planning Commission and City Council on desired policy changes. Planning staff solicits NDA comments on development and other proposals and attends NDA meetings on request. 

Intergovernmental Relationships & Representation 

The Department works area agencies and governments including Metro, Tri-Met, Clackamas County, and ODOT to ensure city issues are considered in their project development and funding actions. 

Conflict Resolution 

In many cases, there is disagreement among parties as to the best decision on a specific proposal or the best direction for the City. The Department helps resolve such disagreements by conducting technical studies, providing alternatives for decision makers, and facilitating the public process.

Last updated: 10/03/2008

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